On Thursday the 26th Charlotte had her first dentist appointment. We went to a pediatric dentist and she did great. She was upset when we went into the appointment because she really wanted to play in their tent playhouse. She was crying for awhile, but calmed down when she got to play in the playhouse again. :) The dentist said she looked great, just have to work on brushing the fronts of her teeth more. No pictures since she was clinging to mama! :)
Our visit to Children's Hospital was the next day. We met with a neuromuscular doctor who finally gave us some clue as to what is happening with Charlotte and why she isn't walking yet. The doctor diagnosed her with what is called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Hypermobility Type 3.....Here is a good website explaining what EDS Type 3 is. http://www.medicinenet.com/ehlers-danlos_syndrome/article.htm
Basically it's this... "Ehlers-Danlos syndromes are a group of disorders which share common
features including easy bruising, joint hypermobility (loose joints),
skin that stretches easily (skin hyperelasticity or laxity), and weakness of tissues."
"The Ehlers-Danlos syndromes are inherited in the genes that are passed
from parents to offspring. They are
categorized according to the form of genetic transmission into different
types with many
features differing between patients in any given type. The fragile skin
and loose joints is often a result of abnormal genes that produce
abnormal proteins that
confer an inherited frailty of collagen (the normal protein "glue" of
our tissues)."
It was a little scary at first to hear this news and then to go home and read about it online. In the end, we feel good about this because we know what is happening with her and the doctor also told us that we have been doing everything we should be doing to help her. We are going to try to continue to be proactive with her like we have been.
The doctor is sending us over to genetics to see another doctor to hopefully get more information on what we can do with her and what to expect. We will keep you updated with what happens!
No pictures from Children's either....too much happening! :)
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