Saturday, October 27, 2012

Trick or Treating

In the next town over from us they do Trick or Treating the Saturday before Halloween.....we went to our friend's house and enjoyed the evening with some good friends. After a rough start, Charlotte being upset about not being able to play on the slide, having a hard time walking with all of the people around, and falling down, we finally got into the groove and she started to understand what she needed to do! :) She got really good at saying "trick or treat" and "thank you!"
We made it to about 10 or so houses and then headed back to our friend's house to hang out on the porch and watch the rest of the trick or treaters come to the house. Charlotte loved watching all of the kids, dancing to the music, and playing with the other kids. Overall it was a very successful night! :)


Today we carved and painted our pumpkins. Charlotte painted the small one for Moira and the large one we cleaned out and carved for her. It was a lot of fun and Charlotte enjoyed it very much!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Happy Halloween!!

Charlotte is going to be a fairy for Halloween. I have an online friend I met during Moira's pregnancy that is amazingly talented!! She made the wings, shirt, crown, and wand. The tutu is from her 2nd birthday outfit that she wouldn't wear. She will wear it now, thank goodness. I'm hoping she'll wear the wings, we'll see!! Either way she's adorable. Today we went to the Halloween party at the early intervention center. She got so many compliments on her costume. Everyone loved it! I can't wait to take her trick or treating on Saturday! I think she's going to have a blast walking around and getting. She will definitely be more aware of it this time she wants.
Here are a few cute pictures of her and her costume from today.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

New braces for Charlotte

In three weeks Charlotte will be sporting new braces! She saw her orthopedic doctor today and he was very pleased with her progress. The new braces will be the same style as her current ones, they will just be hinged so she can have more movement in her foot. She won't look like she's walking in ski boots anymore, they'll still look like ski boots! She chose a new pattern this time. She had butterflies for her first pair and the new ones will have kitties on them. She seems pretty excited. She tells me that she needs to have her shoes on to walk and not her bare feet, although she's been trying to walk in her bare feet. She's a stinker!! She was able to tell me about what the braces will look like since I wasn't with her and she was very pleased with herself!! Dave will take her back again in 3 weeks to get the new ones!! I can't wait!!

A little bit of cuteness never hurt!

Just a few pictures from the last few days. Showing off part of her Halloween costume, her fairy wings and crown. :) Enjoy!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

iPhone pictures from our fun fall day

Here are some collages of pictures from my phone on our fun fall day! Enjoy!

Fun Fall Day!

Today was a wonderful fall day! We decided to go get pumpkins after horseback riding this morning. We headed to our favorite pumpkin patch that we have been going to the last few years. This was the best year yet since Charlotte can walk!!! She enjoyed the goats and of course she found a slide, which she loves. We picked out a pumpkin and got Charlotte some lunch. It was a wonderful family day. After the pumpkin patch we headed home to put Charlotte down for her nap. After her nap, we ate an early dinner and then headed to the next town over for their pumpkin festival on the town common. We met up with our friends who's daughter Abby is the same age as Charlotte. They had a wonderful time together chasing bubbles, dancing to the music, and checking out the pumpkins. By the time we got home and gave Charlotte a bath, she was exhausted! I think she will sleep well tonight!!

Petting the goats!

Feeding the goats with daddy

She wasn't too sure about all of those 
goats coming at her looking for food.

She found a slide to play on!

Pumpkins!! It was hard to get a good picture of her.

Daddy and Charlotte

Mama and Charlotte

Walking around looking for a pumpkin

This one looks good to sit on.

Love this one!

OK....time to keep moving.

This one looks good, maybe I can pick it up.

Never mind, this one looks a little better!

Lunch break!

Chasing after daddy!

Pumpkin Festival!

She wanted to dance to the music

Shaking her bum, bum!


Charlotte and her friend Abby chasing bubbles

Yay! Bubbles!

Dancing! :)

Playing in the leaves

Checking out the pumpkins

"I like this face here Abby, what do you think?"

Last years pumpkin patch picture and this years!